Stakeholder Engagement

Landowners, occupants, residents, local government, agencies, indigenous peoples, industry and other interested parties are collectively, stakeholders.

At FrontLine, we consider stakeholder engagement the essential component of any successful development.   Our engagement approach is centred on ensuring comprehensive consultation and thoughtful documentation around a simple process to support informed development decisions.

Our focus is on the planning, content and execution of the activities that make up your engagement program.


We recognize our clients’ desire to maintain their stakeholder relationships with internal resources and we’re here to help coordinate consultation activities, ensure appropriate documentation and assist our clients conduct a high-quality engagement program.

FrontLine will work with your team to plan your engagement program and help identify and execute strategies to roll out your program.  We coordinate and even deploy field resources to ensure that stakeholders are properly consulted.

FrontLine also provides stakeholder identification and verification services through land title search, subsurface land claim identification and review of publicly available information.


Project newsletters, handouts and open house display panels are the common methods of making sure stakeholders are aware of a project.  Frontline has created project specific information packages for a wide range of energy infrastructure projects.  We understand what content is needed to properly inform stakeholders and have successfully managed the communication requirements of many projects.

We can handle your complete project communication requirements or work alongside your existing team to optimize project specific communication material. 


Ensuring that consultation records accurately reflect the outcome of an engagement program is critical to any regulatory application. 

FrontLine ensures that your consultation summaries are consistent, thoughtful and representative.  We provide guidance to field teams on how to prepare documentation, we review each record for completeness and we coordinate responses to stakeholders as required.

FrontLine prepares the project specific summary that describes the planning, content and execution of the stakeholder engagement activities along with the results of those efforts.

Stakeholder Information Management System

FrontLine has developed a simple and cost-effective Stakeholder Information Management System (SIMS) that is focused on delivering the high-quality output expected by regulators. 

Our SIMS platform is a simple database designed with the ability to incorporate electronic land title records, group stakeholders and create detailed summaries of land interests and consultation efforts.  We can export the contents of our database to any user defined format for use with any in-house stakeholder management system.

Our SIMS tool is an optional component of our service offering that we use to track, action and report on consultation activities.  Our SIMS tool allows us to efficiently review consultation records, identify follow-up requirements and create a high quality, project specific engagement summary.

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